Monday, April 24, 2017

Kim Huther a Fantastic and Experienced Editor

You've used Word proofreading and Grammarly. Should you still hire an editor? The resounding answer is YES! Even the best of us need an extra pair of eyes on our masterpieces. I've had my fair share of oops, how did I miss thats?

Trust me, you don't want to be there. Kim Huther is available to help you make your work shine. Her website is Wordsmith Proofreading, and you can also check out her Facebook Page, Wordsmith Proof Reading Services.


Her current rates as of April 2017 are $4/page or $.016/word (client's choice)

Your writing is perfect, so why hire a proofreader?

You want your manuscript to be taken seriously, to be reviewed positively, but you know errors strewn throughout your pages will stop publishers, agents, and readers in their tracks. A professional proofreader/editor can rescue you from duplicated words, homophones, rogue capitalization, improper indentations, missing punctuation, AND keep your readers from scratching their heads when a sentence just doesn't make sense.

As a first-time author, it can be tempting to call in favors to keep your costs down, but editing an entire book is not the same as proofreading your college papers. This is your life's work; you shouldn’t trust it to just anyone. Hiring a professional will save you time, and their impartiality will provide an honest examination that a friend or relative may not give.

Kimberly Huther of Wordsmith Proofreading has edited over 500 manuscripts since 2008. She's a five-star-rated editor with clients ranging from first-time authors to signed, recognizable names. She knows what your manuscript needs to get you noticed and provide a smooth reading experience for your target audience.

Here's what some of Kimberly's clients have to say: 

  • "She is affordable, professional, flexible in working with my multiple genres, and has a great attitude." 
  • "Kim has dramatically improved my final manuscripts." 
  • "Kim has become a rock star with editing." 

By the time you write “The End,” you will have read your manuscript so many times you may believe it’s perfect as-is, but send one chapter to Kimberly Huther and you’ll see the value in hiring a professional to polish your pages. 

Call today, because with reviews like this one you can see that she’s in demand: 

"I plan on hiring her for as much as she'd like to edit for me." 

You should, too.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Opportunity to Delve into a New Telling of Little Red Riding Hood For Free

fantasy books, books about red riding hood, red riding hood
(c) Aly Runke
Aly Runke is looking for readers, and you can be one. Her book, Lilith, is now available for download through Inkitt.


In a world where the sun hasn't shined in centuries, a battle has been waged between the two species at the top of the food chain -- the Lupus and man. Adapted to living with limited resources, control over the water resources is mandatory for survival. Keeping a balance are the Hoodsmen who protect man from the dangers of resource starved animals. Lilith is the daughter of the deceased Master Hoodsman, her Uncle has taken up the mantle, but not everything is as it seems. Lilith learns of the hardship s of the people under her Uncle's regime, and that the Lupus attack that took er mother and her childhood wasn't t all that it seemed.

You can read the Prologue and download your own copy from Inkitt. Click: here.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Free for a Limited Time: Demon Night by Arwen Chandler

The first episode of The Chronicles of Demetri Risk is free for a limited time. Make sure to get your copy.


About Demon Night: The Chronicles of Demetri Risk

The night walker shrieked, and slashed at him with clawed fingers. The claws ripped his flesh, burning as if the fires of hell themselves had etched the four-inch gashes across his skin.

Demon hunter and magician, Demetri Risk, lives a life on the edge, and the Order of the Craft has noticed.

On the most dangerous night of the year, Demetri is summoned to the manor house of Brosnan Cage. Unwittingly, Demetri enters into a dangerous hunt that leads the Order to the brink of extinction. Will the Order survive in the light of the blood moon?

Editorial Review:

This story opens fast and never lets you catch your breath. I can't wait until the next episode!
--Lynn Nodima

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

New Book Demon Night: The Chronicles of Demetri Risk

I have a new book out, and I love it! It is the first in a line of serial books staring Demetri Risk, demon hunter, and wizard. I am currently looking for reviewers. So, if you'd be interested in a free pdf copy of this book, please contact me on my Facebook Author Page. This is a limited time offer, so please hurry! I look forward to hearing from you.

-- Arwen

About Demon Night

The night walker shrieked, and slashed at him with clawed fingers. The claws ripped his flesh, burning as if the fires of hell themselves had etched the four-inch gashes across his skin.

Demon hunter and magician, Demetri Risk, lives a life on the edge, and the Order of the Craft has noticed.

On the most dangerous night of the year, Demetri is summoned to the manor house of Brosnan Cage. Unwittingly, Demetri enters into a dangerous hunt that leads the Order to the brink of extinction. Will the Order survive in the light of the blood moon?

Editorial Review:

This story opens fast and never lets you catch your breath. I can't wait until the next episode!
--Lynn Nodima