Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Up and Coming: A Third Book in The Chronicles of Demetri Risk & Sneak Peek?

This morning I thought I'd share just a snippet of my upcoming book, The Sin Eater's Curse. It is the continuation of The Chronicles of Demetri Risk, and the third in the series.  Right now the plan is to make it a longer story, perhaps novella or even full-length, but who really knows. That could change once I really get into the story.

You're going to see some familiar characters. Of course, there's Demetri, Esmeralda, and Brosnan. I also plan to introduce Lady Scarlet Ashcroft in the flesh. She's a character I created sometime back just for a fun piece, and she's been mentioned in the past. She has really come to life in this book, and I think she may be sticking around for future ones.

There are quite a few changes that have happened between the end of The Succubus Within and The Sin Eater's Curse, and even more unexpected changes coming in the third installment. I decided to open the book with Nazi Germany, and portray the evils of a concentration camp. So, the book starts out a lot darker than Demon Night or The Succubus Within. In fact, it's going to be darker through-out, but I am really enjoying the writing process and seeing all the new places Demetri is visiting.

I hope you enjoy the snippet. Thanks for reading!


The Sin Eater's Curse

“Does it work? I will be forgiven?” The old man’s blue eyes widened but were barely visible in the dark room.

A shrouded priest poured wine into a goblet, as the old man leaned closer to him. His clasped his fingers until his knuckles turned white.

The priest sat the goblet onto the table in front of them beside a hand-dipped candle and nodded. “Yes. For everything. I will bear your sin, and you shall carry it no more.”

The old man smiled, and the folds around his cheeks sunk in. “For everything.” He took a deep breath, then exhaled in a low whistle. “I was sixteen, you know when they came to power. We were young and German. I wanted to make my fatherland proud. I only did my duty.”

The priest nodded and placed a small wafer into a copper charger. “Tell me more.” 

“I killed many. Although, how many I do not know. They came into camp by rail car. So many were already dead and stinking when they got there. The old and very young couldn’t make the trip. No food, no water, and the heat.” The man frowned. “I can still taste the stench.”

“More.” The priest sat down in front of him. Shadows danced against the priest’s face, but his dark eyes seemed to glow from beneath the hood.

The old man examined the priest’s eyes, and he swallowed hard. For a fleeting moment, fear flashed across the old man’s face, but as quickly as it had appeared it disappeared. 


The old man nodded and coughed. “I had to clean the rail cars after they were sent into the camp. We loaded bodies into wagons and burned them. I wanted to burn them all. I hated them. Because of them, I had to leave my school, my home, my family. I lost so much.” He dabbed at the corner of his eye with a handkerchief.  “It was hard work, and the stink of it.” The old man shivered. “I couldn’t escape the smell of them, so I started drinking. One night after a particularly hot day, Ernst and I went to the bar.” He stared at his shaking hands.

The priest leaned forward. “Give me your hand. I want to see.” He pressed hard against the old man’s hand until his fingernails dug into his palm. The room spun around them. The old man closed his eyes fighting off the urge to vomit. When the motion stopped, he opened them. Shock filled his body as his memories unfolded.

Suddenly, the pair were in front of a bar. Two men in Nazi uniforms exited onto the street. 

Tears flowed down the old man’s face. “Why have you brought us here, priest? I don’t want to see anymore.”

The priest clutched the old man’s arm. “You have no choice. If I must live with what you’ve done, you can stand silent as the past unfolds.” He tightened his grip. “Understand.”

The old man nodded.

The young Nazi soldiers had stopped in front of the bar. The older of the pair lit a cigarette. He cast his companion a sideways glance. “Karl. You stink of Jew.”

The blond haired man sniffed his uniform. The unmistakable smell of fire clung to the fibers of his coat. “No, I don’t, Ernst. I smell faintly of smoke. That’s all. Perhaps a nice campfire.”

He shook his head. “You do. I can smell the train on you. You stink of it. No wonder we couldn’t get girls tonight.” Ernst took another drag.

Anger flashed across Karl’s face. He swung at his friend, and missed, falling to the ground.

Ernst laughed. His cigarette hung low from the corner of his mouth. “You’re drunk, and you stink.” He pulled Karl to his feet. “Let’s go.”

The pair stumbled down the dirt road that led back to the barracks, and past the epicenter of the concentration camp. A woman’s cries pierced the darkness and echoed across the road.

Ernst frowned. “Stupid woman. She’ll wake up the Commandant.”

“A Jew. What do you expect?” Karl spat in the dirt.

The woman screamed again.

Ernst unholstered his pistol and entered the camp. They followed the sound of her voice. 

The woman sat underneath a tree in the darkness, rocking back and forth. She held a small body in her arms. Another sob escaped her throat. “My baby.” Tears fell down her face, leaving muddy tracks.

Karl rushed to her side. “Shut up woman. You’ll wake the entire camp.”

She looked up at him. “My baby. She’s dead.”

Ernst kicked her, and she screamed. “Good. One less Jewess. I said shut up.” Ernst kicked her again, this time hard enough to knock the dead child from her arms.

The woman scrambled to pick up her baby. Karl kicked her in the back and she went flying face down into the dirt, her dress slid high on her thighs.

Ernst licked his lips. “What do you say, Karl?”

Karl nodded, and pointed his pistol at her head. “Don’t make a sound.”

The woman whimpered, as the men closed in on her, ripping her dress and satisfying their most primal needs. 

The woman lay still, but small groans escaped her throats. Her tear-stained voice, whispered, “You’re monsters.”

Karl straddled her waist, and shoved her head hard into the dirt. “I am not a monster!”

The woman spit in his face. “Yes, you are.”

His fingers curled around her neck and shook her side to side. “Say that again, Jew.”

She struggled beneath his weight, but didn’t have enough strength to free herself.

Karl pushed his thumbs into her neck, and she arched her back. He met her resistance with more force, pushing harder until her movements stopped and the small veins in her eyes burst. He stood up and buttoned his trousers.

Ernst laughed. “Stupid Jew. She should have shut up.” He kicked her body. “Guess we’ll need to throw them in the pit.”

Karl shrugged. “I guess.”

The men carried the woman and baby to the side of the death pit and tossed them in. They landed with a thud.

Karl laughed. “Guess who stinks of Jew now?”

The image faded from the priest’s mind. “Is there more?” He licked his lips.

“Yes. Much more.” Tears slid down the old man’s face. “I need forgiveness, Father.”

He patted the back of Karl’s hand. “It will be okay, my son. You shall have forgiveness.” He turned Karl’s hand over and started to carve a cross in the center of his hand with his long fingernail. Karl tried to pull away, but the man’s grip was too strong. “Relax. It will all be over soon.” 

Blood pulled in Karl’s hand and he whimpered.

The priest prayed over the cup and the bread, then slid the bread into his mouth. The room spun as the old man’s sins and memories filled his mind. The priest’s eyes grew darker, and his eye-teeth elongated. 

Momentarily, fear swept across Karl’s face, as the priest dug his teeth into his neck, and he tried to pull away.

The priest drunk his fill and Karl’s body crumpled to the floor.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Differences Between Novels, Shorts, and More!

The world of publishing is ever-changing, and new trends develop almost daily, or so it seems. A few years ago I worked in a big-box bookstore, and even then the literary world was changing. Today, gone is the restrictions on so many “fundamental” standards of what constitutes a piece of literature that will sell. Believe it or not, today’s publishing market, especially for those who publish through Amazon KDP is a virtual wonderland.

Traditionally, when you think of publishing a work, you categorize it by calling it a novel, novella or short story. Today those categories are broken down even further (if you publish virtually.) In fact, remember the stories of the dime store novels, or the history of people like Poe who published serial stories in newspapers and magazines? Today, the dime store novel has made a comeback, and serials are even sought after!

So, what I am telling you is that there are so many different categories and options for publishing an ebook, you may already have a few “books” nearly finished, and you don’t even know it. Now for you purists, I am going to use the term book interchangeably, even for a short read, so button down the hatches and get ready to deal with it. 

Cool Amazon Listing Categories

Now, you don’t have to list your book in these categories. Amazon does it for you. I believe it is based on word count, but who really knows because, well Amazon.
Short Reads! And I mean exactly what I said. Short reads!!!

Short Reads come in all lengths: 30-minute reads (12-21 pages), 45-minute reads (22-32 pages), 1-hour (33-43 pages), and 2-hour reads (65-100 pages). Traditional short stories fall into this category. Short stories are no more than 10,000 words, but unlike traditional short stories, these stories are published individual instead of in a collection of works. Cool, right? People actually love this length, because it gives them something to read during a few minutes of downtime. Think of them as temporary escapes from the daily grind.

With that said, there are some critics who just like to complain that there isn’t enough to read in these kinds of stories. I say BOO on YOU! Stand up for yourself, mark the story a short read, and be done with it. Trust me; I’ve had scores of downloads on mine. If people didn’t want them, Amazon wouldn’t be selling them.

Of course, make sure to price them accordingly. I’ve had a few of mine priced anywhere between .99 and 2.99 and still really haven’t found the sweet spot for sales. Some people don’t want to pay 2.99 for a short read, but some people will. Investigate your market to see what books in your genre are selling for. I’ve downloaded many short reads that were listed at 2.99 because I had Kindle Unlimited. So, that’s also a thing you should consider when pricing. Are you going to list in Kindle Unlimited? If so, you can probably get by with the higher price.

Novellas: Extended Short Stories.

I love the novella. I suspect most of my fiction writing falls into this category. Novellas tend to be between 10,001 to 39,999 words. Novellas are long enough to spin a good yarn, and keep people wanting more.

Pricing a novella can be tricky, but most of the time I price mine at 2.99. Again, that depends on the genre and if a work is fiction or nonfiction. I can’t stress enough to do market research.

Short Novel: A Baby Novel

Short novels are long enough to be considered a true “book” but are not quite long enough to be a novel. Short novel word count falls between 40,000 and 59,000 words. Depending on the genre, this may be the traditional word count for a book. For example, the typical romance novel only has around 40,000 to 45,000 words.

Short novel pricing is a little easier for me. I generally price these novels for 4.99. That gives an author a 70% royalty rate and about 3.50 per book. That is a huge royalty rate! Royalties on traditionally published books at this price are less than a dollar per book. It’s easy to see why so many traditionally published authors are taking up the Indie platform.

Novel: Wow! Did you really write that much?

A novel is anything over 60,000 words. That is a lot of writing, and if you have made it to this word count you deserve a pat on the back!!! Novels are those books you see in the bookstore that are ginormous. Think Stephen King, and Harry Potter book 7. When I wrote my first book, I told myself that I just had to write 250 pages and I would have a book. It helped me move forward, and I finally produced a book, even though it took years. A long time ago, these were the novels that you slaved over and then sent off to publishers. I am happy to say in today’s market; you can slave over it, have it edited, then upload it yourself for a nifty profit.

Be careful when you price your novel. Novel prices are all over the place. You don’t want to price your book too low and undervalue it, but you don’t want to price it too high either. Again, market research is your new best friend. Different genres and different topics of non-fiction get different prices. I like to see what traditional authors in my genre are selling their books at and make sure I don’t price mine over that. Let’s face it, I’m not JK Rowling, or Stephanie Meyer, no matter how much I’d like to be selling books like them.

I hope if you’re writing these breakdowns will help you, and also if you were unfamiliar with short reads, I am glad you now know about them. I look forward to hearing from you!

*Originally posted at COCWA, by Arwen Chandler (Susan Elliott)