Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Second Edit of Quest: The Clans of Arcadia is DONE!

I couldn't be any more excited for the upcoming release of Quest: The Clans of Arcadia. The book will be released on July 17, 2018, but it is available for pre-order now!  I hope you have it on your to be read list!

Thanks for being loyal tribers!


Friday, June 22, 2018

Shhh!!! The Secret's Out!

Shhh!!! The Secret's Out! Remnant: The Clans of Arcadia is FREE today, for one day only. But, beware! It comes with a warning. WARNING! Don't download this book. It's highly addictive. Get your copy now. #kindlebooks #kindlefree #freefantasy Click the link to go to the Amazon store: mybook.to/Remnant Customer Reviews: 5.0 out of 5 stars "This has been one of my favorite fantasy books in quite some time. It has all the elements of a great trilogy. Romance, Dragons, Suspense and much more! I highly recommend it to those fans of dragon fantasy! The dragon ride is well worth the read!" 5.0 out of 5 stars "A must read!" "This book is definitely a must read for any fantasy fan. It is an intriguing story of magic, dragons, love, and war. Wonderful descriptions given of the land Arcadia and a fast paced plot that will keep you on the edge of your seat begging for more."

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Exciting News About Audible!

dragon fantasy, new fantasy, fantasy romance, magic and sorcery, Remnant

It has been an eventful week around here. First I was on the news, second, the sequel to Remnant, Quest, is coming along, and third I have finally found what I was looking for!

So, I've been looking for a narrator for Remnant for several weeks now. I wasn't quite able to put what I wanted into words, but I knew if I heard it I would know.

I've had several auditions, but nothing was quite right, although I really appreciate the producers who wanted to work on my book. Nothing I heard captured the feeling I wanted to be conveyed in an audiobook, and I had all but given up on finding a narrator. In fact, I had even taken my book off of ACX. 

Well, yesterday I heard it! A friend of mine from high school, who is extremely created and talented, had told me she wanted to audition. I was very nervous, because of the previous auditions I'd had, and I didn't want to have to tell her that I wouldn't be able to use her if her reading was bad.

But, I put those fears aside and told her that I'd love for her to audition. Of course, I knew that if she was half as talented as I thought she was, it'd be a success. Still, I was nervous, so nervous I waited to listen to the audition until I had time to really sit and think. Well, I played the mp3 on my car stereo, with my daughters listening. (One of my daughters is an audiobook aficionado, and I really respect her opinions about readers.)

My friend's voice came through the speakers, and tears filled my eyes. I finally heard the sound I was looking for. I cannot explain the thrill I felt hearing someone read my book in a way that I needed it to be read. So, my daughters and I were unanimous that she was the perfect reader. In fact, my daughter told me, "Mom, I'd even listen to your book if she was reading." (A prophet is without honor in his own country...) So, I figure if my daughter would go to those extremes to listen to it, and I loved it, my friend was the one.

So, without further ado, I'd like to announce that I've entered into a contract with the lovely and talented Summer Lyn Bryant. She is the voice of my book Remnant, and hopefully many more to come. 

Monday, June 4, 2018

Escape the Heat, and Curl up With Adventure

Hunted is FREE for a limited time June 4, 2018- June 6, 2018. Hunted is available in ebook, paperback, and always FREE in Kindle Unlimited!

What can I say? I LOVE this book. It is everything I want in a science fiction adventure story and more. There's Gwyn, the smuggler space pirate, her sexy companion Adrik, and then Babylonia -- an intelligent beautiful archaeologist who holds the secret to a planet's future by uncovering a forgotten past.

Book Blurb:

"A blend of Dan Brown storytelling with Michael Crichton action…"

Sometimes secrets should remain buried.
Babylonia Steele has spent her life digging in the dirt looking for artifacts, but no dig has ever been as important as the one on Mirada. Her findings could shake the very foundation of the planet’s government.

A tip from a traitor in her inner circle has alerted the Militarian authority, and it seeks to stop her at all costs. Fortunately for her, her closest friend just happens to be Gwyn Casteliano, the best smuggler, and pilot in the quadrant.

In a life and death chase, she will risk all to protect her findings.

Will the government destroy her?

Will she lose everything beneath the Metreskan sands?

Hunted is the third book in the series, Pleiades Adventures.