Tuesday, September 25, 2018

I Can't Afford an Editor...HELP! Self-Editing Tips

Never fear, you can self-edit! In a perfect world, Indie authors would all have the money to spend on a professional editor. I mean, who wouldn't want their manuscripts professionally edited. I know that I'd love it, but since I can't afford it, I've had to learn a few self-editing techniques to get me through.

When I edit my manuscript, it is a several step process. I've listed the things I use, and hopefully, you will find something useful in the list.

Self-Editing Techniques

  • Write a piece and read it out loud. This helps to ensure that the flow is good. 
  • Use the Microsoft Word program. I have it set to catch both grammar and spelling mistakes. It will still miss some things, but it catches quite a bit.
  • Spring for the full-edition of Grammarly. Grammarly searches for word use, grammar mistakes, repetitive words, plagiarism, and more!  (A word of caution. If you are in America, you have to set it to use American English. Mine was set up to use British English for a while, and one of my books was corrected and uploaded with British English. I got a two-star review because of all of the "spelling mistakes." OOPS!)
  • Set your Microsoft Word program to read your manuscript back to you. This works even better than reading out loud because sometimes you read what you think you see instead of what's written. 
What are your self-editing tips? Please leave them in the comments below. 


Time is Ticking Away...

Today is the final day for the Caged: The Clans of Arcadia free promotion. Make sure to get your copy of this story before 11:59 EST tonight.

Once again the future stands on a dagger’s edge.

With the trials behind him and his future ahead, the only thing that stands between Karn and success is Elanvanin’s return and the elusive Cult of Bahs.

Tensions are high as the Brethren of the Dragoni move to Langerhorn and accept refugees from Elanvanin’s terror.

Can Karn rebuild the bridge between himself and Queen Sola, after Dierdriel’s escape…

…or will the future rest in the hands of a faerie born in captivity?

Get your copy: here.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Publishing Trends and Differences in Novel Lengths

The world of publishing is ever-changing, and new trends develop almost daily, or so it seems. A few years ago I worked in a big-box bookstore, and even then the literary world was changing. Today, gone is the restrictions on so many “fundamental” standards of what constitutes a piece of literature that will sell. Believe it or not, today’s publishing market, especially for those who publish through Amazon KDP is a virtual wonderland.

Traditionally, when you think of publishing a work, you categorize it by calling it a novel, novella or short story. Today those categories are broken down even further (if you publish virtually.) In fact, remember the stories of the dime store novels, or the history of people like Poe who published serial stories in newspapers and magazines? Today, the dime store novel has made a comeback, and serials are even sought after!

So, what I am telling you is that there are so many different categories and options for publishing an ebook, you may already have a few “books” nearly finished, and you don’t even know it. Now for you purists, I am going to use the term book interchangeably, even for a short read, so button down the hatches and get ready to deal with it.

Cool Amazon Listing Categories

Now, you don’t have to list your book in these categories. Amazon does it for you. I believe it is based on word count, but who really knows because, well Amazon.
Short Reads! And I mean exactly what I said. Short reads!!!

Short Reads come in all lengths: 30-minute reads (12-21 pages), 45-minute reads (22-32 pages), 1-hour (33-43 pages), and 2-hour reads (65-100 pages). Traditional short stories fall into this category. Short stories are no more than 10,000 words, but unlike traditional short stories, these stories are published individual instead of in a collection of works. Cool, right? People actually love this length, because it gives them something to read during a few minutes of downtime. Think of them as temporary escapes from the daily grind.

With that said, there are some critics who just like to complain that there isn’t enough to read in these kinds of stories. I say BOO on YOU! Stand up for yourself, mark the story a short read, and be done with it. Trust me; I’ve had scores of downloads on mine. If people didn’t want them, Amazon wouldn’t be selling them.

Of course, make sure to price them accordingly. I’ve had a few of mine priced anywhere between .99 and 2.99 and still really haven’t found the sweet spot for sales. Some people don’t want to pay 2.99 for a short read, but some people will. Investigate your market to see what books in your genre are selling for. I’ve downloaded many short reads that were listed at 2.99 because I had Kindle Unlimited. So, that’s also a thing you should consider when pricing. Are you going to list in Kindle Unlimited? If so, you can probably get by with the higher price.

Novellas: Extended Short Stories.

I love the novella. I suspect most of my fiction writing falls into this category. Novellas tend to be between 10,001 to 39,999 words. Novellas are long enough to spin a good yarn, and keep people wanting more.

Pricing a novella can be tricky, but most of the time I price mine at 2.99. Again, that depends on the genre and if a work is fiction or nonfiction. I can’t stress enough to do market research.

Short Novel: A Baby Novel

Short novels are long enough to be considered a true “book” but are not quite long enough to be a novel. Short novel word count falls between 40,000 and 59,000 words. Depending on the genre, this may be the traditional word count for a book. For example, the typical romance novel only has around 40,000 to 45,000 words.

Short novel pricing is a little easier for me. I generally price these novels for 4.99. That gives an author a 70% royalty rate and about 3.50 per book. That is a huge royalty rate! Royalties on traditionally published books at this price are less than a dollar per book. It’s easy to see why so many traditionally published authors are taking up the Indie platform.

Novel: Wow! Did you really write that much?

A novel is anything over 60,000 words. That is a lot of writing, and if you have made it to this word count you deserve a pat on the back!!! Novels are those books you see in the bookstore that are ginormous. Think Stephen King, and Harry Potter book 7. When I wrote my first book, I told myself that I just had to write 250 pages and I would have a book. It helped me move forward, and I finally produced a book, even though it took years. A long time ago, these were the novels that you slaved over and then sent off to publishers. I am happy to say in today’s market; you can slave over it, have it edited, then upload it yourself for a nifty profit.

Be careful when you price your novel. Novel prices are all over the place. You don’t want to price your book too low and undervalue it, but you don’t want to price it too high either. Again, market research is your new best friend. Different genres and different topics of non-fiction get different prices. I like to see what traditional authors in my genre are selling their books at and make sure I don’t price mine over that. Let’s face it, I’m not JK Rowling, or Stephanie Meyer, no matter how much I’d like to be selling books like them.

I hope if you’re writing these breakdowns will help you, and also if you were unfamiliar with short reads, I am glad you now know about them. I look forward to hearing from you!

Friday, September 21, 2018

Five Totally FREE Templates and Programs for Indie Authors

Today I thought I'd share some of the coolest FREE programs and templates I've found for Indie authors. Most of us are still learning how to become a writer, editor, and publisher, but thankfully there's quite a few helps out there to make our lives much easier! Some of the resources below require you to download them, others don't. Either way, the resources are free, and I use them all the time. I hope you find them useful, too!

Happy writing!



I ALWAYS use Grammarly to edit my books. There is a free version that works nicely, but I sprung for the full version because it does a little bit more than the other. With that said, if budget is an issue (and it usually is for me) start with the free version.

How to Make a Book Cover 

This post is full of information about making your own book covers. When I first started making covers it was my favorite resource.

Free Online Book Mockup Maker 

This online program makes 3D book covers that are downloadable as png and jpg files. TIP: Don't use the 3D book covers for your cover on Amazon unless you are using them for a book set. The 3D images upload pretty small on Amazon.

DIY Advertising Call-Out Cards

I use these templates all the time to create beautiful advertisements for Twitter and Facebook. Make sure to save a copy of the templates before you start playing with it. Also, once you get the hang of it, you can change the background photos. Everything in the template is able to be formatted so you can truly make it your own.

Make Book Trailers with Lumen5

This is my favorite new toy. I've made several book trailers for my books, and the cool thing is you can post them on your Amazon author page, Facebook and Twitter!

Here's my latest book trailer for Caged (which just happens to be on FREE promo until September 25, 2018!). I made it with Lumen5. I think it turned out great.

What? Is this Possible? Caged is FREE?

Well, I had planned NOT to run a FREE promotion on Caged: The Clans of Arcadia, but after much soul searching I changed my mind.

So, I'm happy to announce that Caged is FREE now through September 25, 2018!

Free for a limited time!


Once again the future stands on a dagger’s edge.

With the trials behind him and his future ahead, the only thing that stands between Karn and success is Elanvanin’s return and the elusive Cult of Bahs.

Tensions are high as the Brethren of the Dragoni move to Langerhorn and accept refugees from Elanvanin’s terror.

Can Karn rebuild the bridge between himself and Queen Sola, after Dierdriel’s escape…

…or will the future rest in the hands of a faerie born in captivity?

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

WOW!!! The Clans of Arcadia Boxed SET!!!

I am so excited that The Clans of Arcadia Boxed Set is finally out on AMAZON and available for FREE with Kindle Unlimited.

Dark magic has swept across Arcadia, slashing at the clans like sharpened dragon's talons.

Death is coming for everyone, but Karn Elohite has emerged...

--wielder of magic, dragon born,

and seventh son.

Can he save Arcadia when all hope seems lost?

Will he accept his fate as a dragon rider…

…embrace Lorna’s gift…

…and a future that he’d never imagined?

Will Karn champion the people, or will the country burn beneath the dragon’s flame?

The Clans of Arcadia is story set in a world as dangerous as George R.R. Martin's Westeros, and as magical as J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle Earth. Not since the dawning of Anne McCaffrey's Dragonflight, has a story hatched from the world of dragons like The Clans of Arcadia.

Do you dare come inside?

Fans of A Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings, and Dragonflight will love The Clans of Arcadia!

This Box Set Includes:

Get The Clans of Arcadia today and enter a world you'll never want to leave...

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Caged: The Clans of Arcadia and The Caged Mermaid Tear Contest

WOO-HOO! What a great week so far. Caged: The Clans of Arcadia is FINALLY out in both print and ebook. This fourth book in the series is a continuation of the stories contained in Remnant and Quest. Caged is a fast-paced, magical book that once again leaves you wanting to read more. I honestly can't say enough about this book. I'm so excited it's here. 

As a release week special Caged has been marked down to 99 cents until Sept 14, 2018. Not only is it on special, there is an awesome contest related to the book called the Caged Mermaid Tear Contest. #cagedmermaidtearcontest

In the book Azha, who is an Asrai (Mermaid) cries a single tear and it turns to a pearl. She releases it into the sea. This event has inspired the beautiful Caged Mermaid Tear freshwater pearl and marcasite necklace and bracelet set giveaway. Contest details to follow, but basically all you have to do is share a post on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and you will be entered to win. No purchase necessary, and no book review stipulation.

Caged Mermaid Tear Contest

Enter the by sharing this post for a chance to win a freshwater pearl necklace and bracelet. No purchase necessary! Caged now on Amazon! Contest ends Sep 25! Winner will be chosen September 26, 2018! https://amzn.to/2oY0Pfx #fantasy #dragonfantasy