Friday, January 17, 2020

Big Things Are Happening

Greetings Tribe:

I hope this update finds you well. I’ve been working like crazy and doing a lot of research for my upcoming books. I can’t want to share them with you. I have a list of about eight books with titles that are in the queue and are almost completed, and a few more that have been started.

This year, I plan to release books in epic fantasy, space opera, gamelit, and quite possibly a few romance books as well. We might even see something new in urban fantasy, and Gwynn has been calling to me as of late (The Pleiades Adventures).

Aside from writing, next month we are taking a family trip to New York City (specifically Broadway), and we are counting the days until our plane leaves. I hope to share lots of pictures of our adventures!

What awesome things do you have planned this year? I’d love to hear from you. You can reach me on my Facebook author page or at

I thought just for fun that I would send you a little peek of Remnant: The Clans of Arcadia that you won’t find in the Amazon preview. I’ve included it below the awesome promos going on at Book Funnel.

I really look forward to hearing from you, and I hope your day has been blessed!

Kind regards,

From Remnant: The Clans of Arcadia 

Seagulls dipped and dived above the shallow water. The sound of their cries and waves lapping the shore filled the silence. The men sat down on scattered driftwood behind tall patches of seagrass to catch their breath.

Karn closed his eyes, lost in the rhythm of the sea. From the other side of the cove, voices drifted over the sound of the water. Karn bolted upright and opened his eyes.
Ian and Tiernan looked in the direction of the noise, and Tiernan signaled to his men. He mouthed the word “silence.”

Karn grabbed the staff at his hip and pointed the blue finial at a puddle of water on the beach. Blue flame arched from its tip. The water turned to glass, as an image formed on the surface.

The men circled the water, and as the image cleared, a collective gasp filled the air. In the center of the image was a man wearing black clothes facing away from them. His red hair coiled at the nape of his neck, as he addressed the man closest to the tent in front of him.

The Clans of Arcadia Reading Order:
(Books are available in ebook and print)


Friday, January 3, 2020

Happy New Year 2020!
WOW! It’s already 2020!

I hope the past few weeks have brought you many blessings, and that your new year will be prosperous and fruitful. This has been an insanely busy week. My parents moved to a new home several hours away, and we have started light remodeling around here. In fact, things are so hectic and turned upside down that I lost my laptop for a few days, and I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to let you know about the newest promotion for 2020! Thankfully, I found it and just in time to put it in my newly renovated office.

And speaking of office, I finally have a place to work again. I haven’t had my own workspace since we moved here in 2016 after my husband had his stroke. (January first marked four years since that day, and this year the first came and left without a hitch.) I am hoping this new office will help inspire me to get some more writing done. I have so many writing plans for this year, and I can’t wait to share them with you, including a new book in the Clans of Arcadia series, and a few other surprises.
Again, happy new year!

Kind regards,
