Friday, December 6, 2019

A Gift of Books from BookFunnel Authors!

Greetings fellow book lovers!

I hope everything is going great on your side of this email. Unfortunately, we’ve been plagued with strep throat here, but our house confinement can’t stop the endless flow of Christmas movies. It only helps. It has also provided some much-needed downtime to fall headlong into the stories we’ve longed to read.

And speaking of reading, today, I got to read one of my favorite stories to my daughters. While picking up meds earlier I found a beautifully illustrated copy of Twas the Night Before Christmas at Walmart. While it was initially published as a poem, it has grown to be many people’s favorite Christmas book, and it has been a traditional part of our Christmas for more than twenty years now.

Not much is going on this week on the writing front, but I’ve been painting like crazy. I’m still trying to get last-minute gifts done, and a few more stocking stuffers (books are great!)

I hope your holiday season is filled with blessings, magic, and great reads.



Friday, November 29, 2019

Awesome Fantasy Cyber Monday SALE!

WOW! What a day.

I’ve ventured out three times for Black Friday events – the first last night and twice today. I wasn’t searching for anything in particular, but I always like to go and just check out the deals. And, while many people were getting great bargains for next to nothing, that was not the most exciting thing to happen to me today.

We’re watching a friend’s dogs for the holiday and my daughter and I went to feed them this afternoon, and I found much more than I had bargained for!

Let me set the scene.

My friends have a beautifully manicured backyard and large nice dog area. (Think dog park.) I went in to get the dog food bowls and noticed a six-foot hose in the yard. I thought, “Hmmm, that’s weird. The dogs must have torn something up.” And, I went to investigate closer – without my glasses on. Well, I walked up next to the hose, and suddenly my daughter started crying (she’s 21) and yelling. Apparently, I was standing next to a six-foot snake.

For a moment I just stood there because I was so close to it, and at that point, I wasn’t sure what kind of snake I’d stumbled upon. In South Texas, a black snake could be nonvenomous or extremely dangerous. I just watched it for a minute, not certain if it were a cottonmouth—my friends live near a field with a well-watered ditch, so it could have been a cottonmouth. Visions of a terrifying scene from Lonesome Dove filled my thoughts—don’t look up the snake scene! Either way, I didn’t want to anger it, so I slowly backed away and walked over to the dog bowls. (The dogs had to be fed.)

I quickly grabbed them, let the dogs out of their dog park area, and shut the gate.

Honestly, I was terrified, but I knew I couldn’t ignore the fact that a giant snake was in close proximity to my friends’ dogs and they were my responsibility. I made a quick call to my hubs and told them there appeared to be a dead snake in the dog area, and he told me to get a shovel and toss it over the fence. So, I steeled myself and grabbed the shovel. I poked it gently to see if it was in fact dead. I didn’t want any surprises. But, it hadn’t moved at all since I’d first realized it was a snake. It didn’t move. Relieved and a little sad that the snake was dead, I slid the shovel under it and lifted it. That’s when I found out that the snake was not dead, and my daughter started screaming again—much louder than before.

Unfortunately, the “dead” snake didn’t like being picked up, and he started moving all over the place. That’s when I started screaming and ran out of the dog area with the shovel, again slamming the gate behind me. I tried to take care of the problem, but I was done. Thankfully, my husband came to my rescue and carefully removed the snake from the dog area. He set it outside the fence where it could slither away and live out its life.

So, my big take away from this is never to assume a snake is dead, just because it’s playing dead, and to NEVER again go outside without my glasses on! My rubber hose turned out to be an indigo snake (non-venomous and pretty docile, but what if it hadn’t been?) Shivers down my spine…UGH!

That’s been my day in a nutshell. Tonight, I’m going to watch Frozen II and chill out a bit. I could use the distraction; my nerves are still a little frayed. After that? Well, I plan to check out the cyber Monday book sale that I’m including at the bottom of this newsletter. I could use a diversion that doesn’t come with actual fangs!

Well, I hope your Thanksgiving has been wonderful, and you’ve had a great time with friends and family. I wish you the very best. Until next time.

Kind regards,


Friday, November 22, 2019

Is it really the end of November?

It’s hard to believe it’s almost the end of November and that Thanksgiving Day is only a few days away. I am not sure where this month has gone. Between doctor’s appointments, volunteering, and just living each moment this month has blown by, and so too the year. (My birthday is creeping up on me next week, also!)

While the holidays seem to quicken our pace, I am glad that this time of year, we get to spend more time with friends and family, and I really love the sparkle! There is definitely magic in the air; you can see it in the sparkle dust (glitter) it leaves behind.

I hope you find a few magical moments this year and that you are exactly where you want to be. <3

With regard to the books, I am creeping along. Faydra is exploring the database, trying to find answers as to who Merlin really is (Sun God’s Game: Level One: Euryale’s Maze). Tiernan has been speaking to me from Lorna’s Great Halls (The Clans of Arcadia). And, I keep seeing images of Victorian England dance through my thoughts with perhaps a supernatural thriller blossoming in my subconscious. There is a lot happening on the writing front.

And, speaking of writing. I know you like great reading deals. I have a couple to share with you today.

First of all, Remnant, book one of the Clans of Arcadia series, is FREE on promotion for the next five days. So, definitely check that out if you’ve never fallen into that series, now is the time.

Also, I’m posting links to a couple of promos. One is for FREE or REDUCED price books (Remnant is in that promo.) And, the other is an excellent collection of fantasy for Kindle Unlimited readers.

Thanks so much for joining my tribe, and I do hope to get to know each of you. I’m right there on Facebook, and I look forward to hearing from you!

I wish you this season’s best and a piping hot mug of hot chocolate.

Kind regards,

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Holidays Are Upon Us!

The Holiday Season is Upon Us!

It seems like it was just a few days ago that I was taking down my Christmas tree and now it's almost time to put back up all the decorations. Last Monday I headed out for a routine appointment in San Antonio, and when I got home my daughter had put up a new Christmas tree.

A few weeks ago we were walking through our Walm-Mart garden center and I told her how I dreamed of having a particular Christmas tree, but it was way out of my budget! She and I talked about it for quite a while because it was a beautiful snow-covered tree with berries and pinecones. It really didn't even need decorations to be beautiful, but that was the end of it. Or so I thought.

When I got home on Monday there was a huge surprise waiting for me. There in my living room was the tree I dreamed about. My daughter (who's just now 21) had thought about how much I wanted that Christmas tree and bought it for this year's "family gift." I suspect for years to come we will enjoy this tree, hopefully someday with a few grandkids and some sons-in-law. I am still overwhelmed by the gift and am so thankful for her thoughtfulness.

As we go out this year into the holiday season, I hope I can challenge you to show kindness, no matter how big or how small to those you meet. I know I'm challenging myself each day. Together we can make the world a brighter place. <3

With regard to my writing, I'm still plugging away at the keyboard. I'm working on Sun God's Game: Level Two: Viper's Kiss, and The Clans of Arcadia: Found. I'm not sure when I'll have them finished, but I hope soon! (Before Christmas would be nice!)

I want to encourage you to support Indie authors as you prepare for the holidays. There are a lot of treasures to be found in the Indie Market. I'm including a few promos at the bottom of this newsletter. One is a FREE promo where you can download books and get added to some up and coming authors mailing lists. The others are for Kindle Unlimited Books of various genres, and of course fantasy and science fiction!

I'm always up for a chat. Look me up on Facebook. My author's page is:



Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Sun God's Game: Level One: Euryale's Maze by Arwen Chandler

I'm thrilled to announce The Wildlings of Belangmore series. This series takes place in a dystopian society that has started colonizing another planet, but to get to the other planet you must play the game. It features a ragtag team of characters, but each has an important part to play.

I created the books so that each book is one level of each game world. Ultimately, each world will have four levels. :)  The first game world is the Sun God's Game and takes place on the island of Atlas. The game is centered around Euryale's maze. If you're not familiar with Euryale, you can find her in Greek mythology. She is the more well-known Medussa's sister. 

I purposely created a virtual reality game-like environment because I thought it'd be fun. In fact, the entire series will be a multi-genre, history bending adventure! I hope you like Sun God's Game: Level One: Euryale's Maze as much as I do!

Oh and... Sun God's Game probably falls best into the New Adult category, but it is perfectly safe for YA. -- I love me some YA books!--



P.S. You can find Sun God's Game: Level One: Euryale's Maze on Amazon. It's available in print and ebook, as well as Kindle Unlimited.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Happy New Year 2019

I hope your new year is going as great as mine! I started the year off with a blowout giveaway on Kindle and refreshed book covers for The Clans of Arcadia Series. I haven't set my writing goals for the year yet, but I plan to in the next couple of days, but I do know that Found is on the horizon.

I hope you like the new book covers as much as I do, and as always I'd love to hear from you!

You can find the Clans of Arcadia on Amazon. <3
